Dear Contestants,
According to recommendations of the government officials and in accordance to all the major sports events in the world, because of the pandemic of Corona virus and the situation in the field, with heavy heart and after many attempts, with awaiting of the last moment to see if the situation will improve, we are forced to cancel the GREEN LAKE BH Triathlon cup 2020.
We wish for all of us to be safe, for all of us to have time to prepare and to have a big audience, because GREEN LAKE is so much more than triathlon for us. In this moment this is not possible, so we will see each other on the July 18th 2021. under better conditions.
All of the starting fees that have been paid for, are so transferred for next year.
We continue to prepare and to build up out team for next event to be better than ever. Send us photos and videos of your trainings so we can motivate all of those who wish to become (and continue to be) triathletes.
Stay safe, stay healthy
Sincerely yours